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Why you need to join our classes!

  • Talented and Experienced Educators.
  • Online/Offline Interactive classes.
  • Live code demo in class.
  • Daily Programming Practice.
  • Ask your doubts to educators.
  • Certificate of completing the courses.

“Whether you want to uncover the secrets of the universe, or you just want to pursue a career in the 21st century, basic computer programming is an essential skill to learn.” - Stephen Hawking

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iCoders President You can join Friday's Doubt class with Utpal For any queries


What are students saying...

Rangan Mukherjee

2nd Year, CSE

Highly effective, Earlier programming seemed to be very difficult for me, but after attending these classes , I have learnt a lot of things, logically through the algorithms and learnt to code a lot of things.

Ankit Chatterjee

2nd Year, CSE

The classes were very nice. Very informative and interactive. It has also benefitted me in this 3rd sem to understand a lot of concepts of Data Structures as well. Thank you very much iCoders.

Rahul Mandal

2nd Year, CSE

The classes of java are very informative and easy to understand and help us to learn Java basics easily.

Ayan Kumar

2nd Year, IT

The class was intresting and it will be best for beginners.